Estimated output (2025 Global GDP, $115T) generated by GROK3
- Agriculture: $5 trillion (4.3%)
- Energy: $7.5 trillion (6.5%)
- Electronics: $3.5T (3%)
- Automotive: $3T (2.6%)
- Chemicals: $2.5T (2.2%)
- Machinery: $2T (1.7%)
- Textiles: $1.5T (1.3%)
- Food Processing: $1.5T (1.3%)
- Other (metals, etc.): $2T (1.7%)
- Government Military: $3.5 trillion (3%)
- Government Civilian: $30 trillion (26.1%)
- Finance and Insurance: $7.5 trillion (6.5%)
- Real Estate: $9.5 trillion (8.3%)
- Healthcare (Private): $4.5 trillion (3.9%)
- Retail/Wholesale Trade: $7 trillion (6.1%)
- Tech Services: $4.5 trillion (3.9%)
- Transportation/Logistics: $4 trillion (3.5%)
- Hospitality/Entertainment/Tourism: $9 trillion (7.8%)
- Raw Material Extraction: $1.8 trillion (1.6%)
- Construction: $5.2 trillion (4.5%)
- Total: $115 trillion (100%)
Maybe it is not fair to break down manufacturing and services by sector while maintaining government as a whole which includes bureaucratic administration, transfers, and services like education, and health. But we keep it as a unit in order to demonstrate the magnitude and the size of the opportunity globally.
The US is the leading the way through their newly founded DOGE:
But others ought to follow.